Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Faltered CPA Dream.

"Assets are what you own", "Liabilities are what you owe", "Capital, or owners’ equity, is the difference between what you own and what you owe". It's been almost a decade since I first learned about these accounting concepts. As you know, I took up Commerce in college so accounting subjects were part of our curriculum. Unfortunately, Accounting became my waterloo so I concentrated on Business Administration on my majoring year. I initially dreamed of becoming a CPA and working for a partnership like Las Vegas Quickbooks Accounting Firm but fate has other plans for me. But who knows, in the future, I can still pursue my education and my CPA dream could be rejuvenated. And who further knows, I might find myself working on general ledgers and t-accounts of well-known companies from Homeowner Associations, Casinos/Gaming, Contractors, Developers and Retail/Convenience Stores industries.

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