Sunday, January 02, 2011

All About Triathlon

Triathlon is defined as an athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three successive events which usually consists of long-distance swimming, bicycling, and running. Typically the standard distance of one triathlon competition commonly known as the “Olympic distance” starts from 1.5 km swim, 40 km ride, and 10 km run. Tri-athletes who participate in these robust events tend to be physically fit. As being physical sturdy is a major requirement, special fitness regimen is necessary to be able to endure such challenging sports. Although, training and exercise are mostly more on cardiovascular work out, tri-athletes spend hours after hours of vigorous training, exercise and body and mind conditioning.

Rigorous training must be initially undertaken by anyone wanting to become a tri-athlete. Trainings like Aerobic Endurance, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and VO2 Max are few of the possible conditioning exercises one may undergo. However, aside from the physical conditioning, gears are equally important as it should be very well chosen. In the market nowadays there is quite a hefty of selection for triathlon gear and any tri-athlete wannabes should invests on a best and finest quality of gears to bring him on top of his game. Starting off with a good fitting- cross trainer shoes, wetsuit and a trainer with GPS watch. Aside from this, the biggest yet the top investment one may indulge in preparation for triathlon is the triathlon bike. Excellent and most popular of its kind is the Ceepo Ironman Viper and the Quintana series. It may break one’s pocket but it is indeed one of the must requirements to triumph in triathlons.

Well-conditioned body, excellent gears and equipments and a willing heart and mind is the key to success in Triathlons.

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