Friday, July 25, 2008
Smiley Tag.
1. Do you want to grow old with someone or be single?
:: Grow old with my husband.
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
:: Just woke up. Rubbing my eyes and yawning.
3. What were you doing in last 30 minutes?
:: Chatting over YM with husband who's still at work and doing some online tasks.
4. What was something that happened to you in 1998?
:: Graduated from HS. Freshman College at UST.
5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do?
:: Find food!
6. When someone catches your eye,do you try to make an eye contact or avoid it?
:: Avoid it.
7. What color is your comb?
:: Blue.
8.What was the last thing you bought?
:: 512 MB ram for hubby's computer shop.
9. How do u know when ur inlove?
:: When I'm always smiling.
10. Have you been to China?
:: Nope.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
What Movie Is Your Love Life Like?
Your Love Life is Like Pretty Woman |
![]() "I want the fairy tale" You believe that love is truly blind, unpredictable, and surprising. Two very different people can easily find true love. At least, that is how it will happen when you marry a gorgeous billionaire someday ;-) Your love style: Sensual and flirty Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Surprisingly happy |
Thursday Filler.
1. What’s your latest addiction?
~ Moo Ice Cream Sandwich
2. What are you listening to?
~ The TV and the whirring fan.
3. How late did you stay up last night and why?
~ 12 AM. Worked online.
4. Who were you with last friday night?
~ The boys.
5. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
~ Always will be.
6. When is the next time you’ll see your close friends?
~ Hopefully soon.
7. What were you doing this morning at 7am?
~ Still sleeping.
8. What radio station do you listen to the most?
~ I rarely listen.
9. What was the reason you last cried?
~ I forgot.
10. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
~ High on what?
11. What’s the fifth text in your inbox say?
~ Some ads from Globe.
12.Where was the last coffee shop u went?
~ Starbucks.
13.Whats ur outfit right now?
~ Baby tee and shorts.
16. What were you doing at 11pm last night?
~ Still online.
17. Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
~ The husband.
18. Will you be driving in a year?
~ No. Don't know how to drive.
19. Is there anything that you are craving right now?
~ KFC Zinger.
20. When did your last hug take place?
~ This morning.
22. Have you ever started a sentence with “No offense, but…”?
~ Not so much.
23. Do you drink tea?
~ Yes. Iced tea.
24.Have you ever been arrested?
~ No.
25. Have you rode in someone else’s car today?
~ No.
26. Have you made a mistake this past week?
~ Yes. Turned down a good medicare advantage offer.
27. Who was the last person you texted?
~ Cathy.
28. Are you happy with your life right now?
~ Yes, I am.
29. In the past 72 hours have you been under the influence?
~ Of what?
30. What’s the connection between you and the last person you texted?
~ My friend.
Thanks for this tag Peachy
The rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
D. You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.
{ Facts about Me }
1. I am moody. A typical characteristic among Pisceans.
2. I don’t have my gall bladder anymore.
3. I am a voracious eater but doesn’t gain weight that much easily.
4. I graduated with a degree in BS Commerce Major in Business Administration.
5. I have a collection of Nicholas Sparks’ books.
6. I don’t eat Japanese foods except california maki and tempura.
7. I’m a Work-at-home Mom.
Go ahead, consider yourself tagged.
Now, I'm off to do some sales job search for a friend who's wanting to go back in the corporate world.
Random Things To Be Thankful For.
1. Cream-O Sandwich - satisfied my hungry pang this noon.
2. Online tasks - when it rains it pours. This means more bucks coming to my paypal soon.
3. Play gym - keeps the little one occupied and entertained while I work.
4. Twitter - I'm getting in touch with the outside world. I haven't gone out in a while.
5. my Papermate pens - my Starbucks planner still looks presentable and neat because of them.
Linkies Update.
I’m about to revamp my blogrolling list. And since several of you, my blogger friends, have added new blogs, please leave me a note listing down all your blogs so I can update and link them up in my 3 sites. Just please make sure though to link mine as well:
1. Swept Away - ( : my main blog
2. The Scrapaholic Me - ( : my digiscrap blog
3. Love. Happiness. Us. - ( : my wedding blog turned random-ramblings-blog.
ABC's of Fashion.
A: What accessories do you wear everyday?
***I rarely wear my jewelries when I’m just at home. If a burp pad or a lampin can be considered an accessory, then that’s what I have daily. Lolz.
B: What is your beauty routine?
***I just wash my face with water and Likas Papaya soap. Then, moisturizer pag naisipan.
C: What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased?
***A Nursing Bra, I think.
D: Do you use a dresser, closet, or both?
E: What type of earrings are in your ears right now?
F: What type of figure do you have?
G: Do you wear glasses?
H: What type of handbag do you carry?
***A leather black shoulder bag.
I: What is your ideal style?
***i like wearing jeans and whatever top i feel like wearing.
J: What jewelry are you wearing right now?
***none. When I go out, I wear my wedding ring, engagement ring, necklace, and earrings.
K: Do you wear knee-hi stockings?
L: Do you *have* to wear matching lingerie?
M: Do you wear makeup?
***whenever I go out but I’m a minimalist.
N: Do you wear nightgowns?
O: What outerwear do you put on when going out on a typical winters day?
***no winter here.
P: What is your favorite perfume?
***RL for women.
Q: Is your motto “quality over quantity” when it comes to clothing and accessories?
R: Do you wear rain boots?
S: Do you wear socks or slippers when your feet get cold?
T: Do you have a set of travel luggage?
U: What is your daily uniform?
***None. Just my regular home clothes.
V: If you are married, did you wear a veil with your wedding dress? If not, how did you do your hair?
***Yes, i did.
W: Do you wear a watch?
X: What item of clothing always makes you feel extremely beautiful?
***None. Just my smile will do. Lolz.
Y: What is your favorite type of yarn?
Z: Do you prefer zippers or buttons?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Domino Tag.
Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends. (But you can tag as many as you like).
Note: Please link the blog where you posted the tag We appreciate you linking all your blogs but make sure you post the tag in the blogs too.
Mommy Talks | Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps | All Kinds of Me Stuff | The Salad Caper | Winding Creek Circle | Anorexic Queen | Apple of Yan Ple | YanPle | Howell and Abie | My Planet Purple | WomenXplore | Princess Bela | My Happy Place | I am Dzoi | Cliktrik | Life’s Simple Pleasures | Coffee Table Conversations | 100% Kelly | My Colorful World | Ramdom Thoughts | Scribbles of My Life | In This Game of Life | The Shopaholic in Me | Mommyhood and Me | My Charmed Life | My Joys | Sassy Finds | Celebrating Life | Life is Peachy | Belly, Baby and Beyond | {BloggerHappy} | {BerryScrappy} | The Scrapaholic Me | Love. Happiness. Us. | Swept Away
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Almost Done.
After a month since I resigned and left, it feels good to actually be back to the workplace I've got accustomed to for about two years. Just seeing my workstation, my former pedestal drawers, all those things that used to be mine, and even those neatly stacked CAT5e cables underneath my desk...bring back all the memories of my stint at CVG. I quite miss working in the corporate world but nothing beats my current profession which is being a stay-at-home mom.
Anyway back to the clearance thing, I hope to finally finish them by next week. The nanny's coming back so I'll have the chance to do so. I have to have this done asap so I can get hold of my final paycheck already.
On A Hunt.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Stylish Frames.
Monday, July 07, 2008
What do you usually apply on zits? I'm just not sure if this is true but I read somewhere that Apple Cider Vinegar is effective and is even the best acne treatment as a home remedy. I'm hesitant to try it out for the fear that it might become just worse.
Monday Bug Tag.
1. Complete this phrase: “If only I could..”
- switch web host server in a snap so that my main blog is restored from its 3-day downtime.
2. Did you get enough sleep last night?
- Yes. With the aircon turned on, who wouldn't have a deep slumber in such a cozy temp.
3. What were you doing before you slept last night?
- Nursed my little one to sleep.
4. First thing you thought about this morning when you woke up?
- "Hay, Asher, ang ingay mo." Asher's blabbing is our alarm clock in the morning.
5. Do you ever wonder why the sky is blue?
- No.
6. Did you ever try to skip meals?
- A few years back due to heaps of load I had at work. Workaholic, huh?
7. Lights on or off?
- Off. I can't sleep with the lights on.
9. Are you afraid of the dark?
- If it's in our room, no. But if it's outside and moreso if in the province, I get goosebumps.
10. Favorite hangout/s?
- Home.
11. People you can’t live without?
- Family.
12. What are your plans for tonight?
- Scrap one layout then research about possible medical diagnostics for Asher's repeat hearing test on Saturday. His newborn test didn't yield a fair result with his left ear that's why he has to undergo a repeat test to check development.
13. Favorite song when you’re sleepy?
- Senti songs like those of Bread.
14. Do you love someone, right now?
- Of course.
15. Are you a giver or a taker?
- I try to balance both.
16. If you could choose another name, what would it be?
- Ashley
18. Last text message from?
- From an online friend and business contact, Bless.
20. Stuck on a desert island & could have only one KIND of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Tuna Fetuccine
21. Favorite tv commercial/s?
- Coke's.
22. If you were dead and your soul was given another chance, what would you do first?
- Kiss my husband and my son.
23. If you could choose your eye color,what color would you like to have?
- Black (still).
24. What are the things you always bring?
- cellphone, money, ATM & credit card.
So Into His iPOD.
Speaking of iPODs, I laud Apple for a cause that they just recently launched. A special edition, iPOD 8GB Nano red, is now out of the market in support of the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. For every purchase, Apple will donate $10 for the said cause. Ain't that cool? Chic fashion and noble cause in one.

Horsey- ish.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Alpha's Some Q's.
What makes you laugh?
My boys' funny antics and Manny Pooh-quiao.
Who is your hero?
My Dad.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Hubby and Asher.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Just 2, the rest are slip-ons and flip-flops.
Who do you blame for your mood today?
I'm hungry again even if I just took my lunch..blame it on my tummy...Lolz.
What is something scientists need to invent?
A superjet that would make a Chicago travel completed in just a few minutes.
Have you ever broken a bone?
Do you watch local news? Why?
Yes. To keep me updated of what's going on around me.
How big is your bed? Big enough?
It's actually a bit small.
Missing SMS.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Q & A Part 2.
11. Who was the last two people to text you?
My Mom and sister.
12. What’s the fifth text in your inbox say?
"Hi Mai, can I call you?" ~ from Joy, former colleague.
14. What high school did/do you attend?
UST High School.
15. What was your least favorite lesson, and why?
Trigonometry. It's Math..and I'm just not a Math person.
16. What were you doing at 11pm last night?
Still up, digiscrapping Kylie's christening invites, blogging, and surfing about discount furniture.
17. Who was the last person you texted to last night before bed?
No one.
19. Is there anything that you are craving right now?
20. When did your last hug take place?
Just a few minutes ago. I hugged little Asher before he fell asleep.
21. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
Some mispell it with "My" or "Mhai" or "Mhay". Some mispronounce it as "Mey".