Sunday, August 31, 2008
VT Is The New Way.
Have you told you hubby lately how much you love him? Try Visual Talking and you'll agree with me that it's the new way.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Who Wants to Win a Camera Strap, Paypal Money and Entrecard Credits?
Yes, my dearest online friend, Jacq ,who’s into designing digiscrapping kits lately and giving them away for free is holding a blog contest with a set of cool prizes. She’s giving away a chic Camera Strap in Michael Miller’s Carnival Bloom fabric (see the photo being modelled by her adorable daughter, Iyah on her blog). As an added bonus, three..make that four more bloggers will win from among the paypal and entrecard credits that she’s giving away too. Hop on over her site and see how to earn entries for this contest. Hurry, you have until September 2 to drop off your entries and be eligible for the randomizer drawing.
Paypal Money Birthday Giveaway.
In celebration of her 26th birthday, my blogger friend, Chikai, is currently holding a birthday blog contest over at Blogsilog. Up for grabs is $26 worth of Paypal money. This will run from August 25 until September 1st and the drawing will be held on her birthday, September 2. More contest details on her blog.
Further, be sure to read more about Chikai on the following blogs. You’ll get a glimpse of how sweet and good she is in blogging and digiscrapping. She takes great pride in journalling about her love for her hubby and her family back here in the Philippines whom she misses so much.
BLOGSILOG; Cherry’s Comfort Zone; Thinking Out Loud; DigiScrapz: Captured Memories; Buzzy Me; Wishing and Hoping; Fab Finds, Etc.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
5 Ways to Win Her Heart.
- Girls are attracted to guys with great sense of humor but, of course, he must also know when to be serious and when to infuse humor.
2. Break the ice.
- Initiate an interesting conversation. Silence can totally be deafening and BORING (for me, at least).
3. Get close with her family.
- But not overly close as she'll think you're assuming already. But always remember that the family's approval will make her comfortable.
4. Be sensitive and caring.
- Learn how to read between the lines, her ways and moves. If she's about to cry, let her cry on your shoulder, offer your hanky, etc. If she's happy, laugh with her. If she feels like wanting to rant, let her and just listen. You don't have to agree in everything she says or give a piece of advice but just lending your ears would matter.
5. Be creative.
- Shower her with surprises. It doesn't have to be inexpensive stuffs like perfumes, chocolates or gadgets such as ipods, cellphones, etc. but the thoughtfulness will always be regarded.
Well, girls may differ preferences and in ways, but generally that's how a girl should be wooed.
Visual Talking - A Unique Way to Woo Your Girl.
I'll go and check if there's a code that can be embedded in a blog.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happiness. Sadness.
Thanks Peachy
~Start Copy~
What makes me happy?
1. My boys and family
2. Good health
3. Blogging
4. Digital Scrapbooking
5. Shopping
6. Paypal money
7. Malling
What makes me Sad ?
1. grumpy and crabby Asher
2. sickness in the family
3. death of someone close to me
4. conked out Green Machine
5. Defective laptop, external hard disk or malfunctioning unlocked cell phones
Here are the Rules:
1. List the things that make you Happy and those that make you Sad.
2. Add your Blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other Blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.T?ni’s Attachments, Cecile2’s-Small and Simple Things, Lara’s Pinay dot US, Lara’s My Blog Entry, Lara’s Byaheng Pinay, Living A’ La Mode, Bits and Pieces, My Life in this Wonderful World, My Online World, Ozzy’s Mom, Me,Myself+2, Kidd Designs, Fun|Fierce|Fabulous , Eds Mommy Life, Just Me.. Eds, My Precious Niche, My life is Peachy , Celebrating life , belly, baby and beyond, Official Chosen Fate, Love. Happiness. Us., Swept Away, YOUR SITEPlease feel free to snag this if you still haven't done this.
Honestly, my Happy list could go on as I'm easily pleased even with just a simple thing. Along side with all those little blessings that we receive in life, may we remember each day to say a prayer of thanks to Him, the One who one's so gracious and generous on us all. And as for the sad list, we should remember that life wouldn't be as exciting as it should be without these little misfortunes. After all, happiness is much felt after going through a tough time. Don't you agree?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You
What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You |
![]() Your Personal Style: Young and flashy. You dress like a celebrity, and you love to accessorize. Your Ideal Wedding: A huge party with all your friends, with lots of toasting and dancing Your Philosophy on Marriage: The person you marry should be your best friend. Your Perfect Marriage: Is when you still surprise each other with romantic gestures |
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tips For A Superb and Powerful Life.
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. Record your late nights shows and get more sleep.
4. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement 'My purpose is to____ today.'
5. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
6. Watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did in 2007.
7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
8. Dream more while you are awake.
9. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
10. De-clutter from your house, your car, your desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.
11. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past,
negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid.
14. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
15. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
16. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
17. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...
18. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
19. Burn the candles, use the nice bed sheets, don't save it for a special occasion because everyday is special.
20. What other people think of you is none of your business.
21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will.
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. The best is yet to come.
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25. Enjoy the ride.
Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday Fill-Ins.

1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was a whole sizzling plate of sisig.
2. Hot weather and traffic jam makes me crazy.
3. The full moon is lovely and romantic but it can also be creepy especially at midnight. Lolz.
4. "Haller?!?" is one of my favorite local expressions.
5. Sometimes it’s best to just keep quiet and reflect than nag.
6. __________ is the best movie I've seen so far this year! **Err, sorry I haven't been to the moviehouse for ages.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to set out to my in laws' place for the weekend, tomorrow my plans include accompany hubby to the Casa and have the van repaired and Sunday, attend a Mass and go malling too, hopefully!
Cool Converter.
Now I can get start working on this, finally. If you also have movie files that needs conversion, ripping or editing, check out this cool software.
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Father's Love.
Before I let you watch the video, here's a backgrounder that can be read all over the web:
A son asked his father, "Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?" The father who, despite having a heart condition, says "Yes". They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father is always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, "Dad, let's join the Ironman together." To which, his father said 'Yes'.
For those who didn't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. The Father and son went on to complete the race together.
Check out their video below and be enamored how much love the father has for his child. Also, don't forget to grab a hanky for your really is touching.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Dating 101.

Yen tagged me. Thanks girl!
Players: Ozzy’s Mom | Me,Myself + 2 | Kidd Designs | Fun.Fierce.Fabulous | | Me and Mine | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | Creative in Me | Notable Bistro | Sugarmagnolias |Around the World | Love. Happiness. Us. | Your blog
1. When was your first kiss and where?
:: Hmmm, just a few years back.
2. When was your first real relationship and how long did it last?
:: Hmm, when my-now-hubby got together and will last for lifetime.
3. What age were you allowed to date?
:: Not until I graduated from college. But illegally, I had a few with the husband during our Junior Year.
4. What’s the craziest thing you did (for love) when you were a teenager?
:: Call me boring but honestly I felt so young then and immature that the love thing didn't enter my mind.
5. How long was your longest relationship and what’s the secret?
:: Husband and I were steady for five yrs prior to marriage. The secret which we apply until now is open communication, respect and trust.
6. How long did you date before you decided to settle down?
:: Five years.
7. How did you know he was the ONE?
:: It's indescribable when that moment comes. You won't actually know, you'd just suddenly feel it. :D
8. Now, at what age will you allow your kids(s) to date?
:: I honestly don't know yet.
9. When it comes to your kids dating, will you be a cool parent or a strict parent?
:: In between.
10. What piece of advice can you give to your child when they start dating?
:: Not to rush things.
11. What's your ideal date?
:: I am actually easy to please. Even a movie date in a home theater seating complete with a bucket of buttered popcorn and can of soda and all those stuffs will do.
My Favorite Things.
1. food: I love KFC, Yellow Cab's Shrimp and Garlic Pizza, Aveneto's Oil and Garlic Pasta, Selecta's Moo Sandwich, Siomai, Paksiw na Pata and adobo.
2. movie: Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, A Walk to Remember
3. song: Josh Groban's You Raise Me Up and Bread songs
4. color: blue and yellow
5. outdoor activity: shopping (lolz), swimming
6. season: Summer
7. book: Nicholas Sparks' books
8. store: grocery store and all baby stores
9. car: Our Nissan Green Machine
10. animal: dogs
This reminds of the song from A Sound of Music. Go ahead and snag this if you need some fill ins.
I'm almost done with my tasks for today. As soon as I'm through reading about a friend's email regarding her Chicago personal injury lawyers search story, I'm gonna treat myself with either one of those listed in item # 1. :D
Mom's Real Spa Treatments.
I have posted this already on my main blog and I thought of sharing this to my readers here as well. And I couldn't agree more..very well said and depicted on these pictures. It's so true. To other mothers out there, don't you also agree with this?
Having Spa Treatments: Wheng | Yen | Alpha |Mai | Your blog/s
Eyebrow Threading :: Microdermabrasion (better than any blemish acne cream out there. Lolz.)
Love Poem Generator.
Curious what's the love poem, I have?
My heart follows your violin voice and leaps like a fish at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a great eagle wing.
I am comforted by your Giordano that I carry into the twilight of Maibeams and hold next to my hands.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of water.
As my knees falls from my Mango, it reminds me of your You.
In the quiet, I listen for the last loud of the day.
My heated cheeks leaps to my
Bills. Bills. Bills.

Yesterday and Today.
Yen tagged me. Thanks,sis!
Here are the Rules:
1. List 6 things that describe yourself today and yesterday.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.
Yesterday {8.9.08}
1. Everyone at home woke up early - blame it on the busted electricity at 4 am.
2. We had a mini photo shoot of Asher wearing his Baby Tigger costume - thanks for the natural lighting in the garden/garage. The pics turned out good!
3. Submitted the said photos to baby magazine in response to a publication call. Hope it'll get included in the Nov-Dec issue.
4. We were supposed to visit the grave of my hubby's Lola. But the van's machine conked out and overheated so we have to postpone the visit.
5. Didn't accomplish much online tasks yesterday.
6. Canvassed online for golf clubs for a friend who's celebrating his birthday soon.
Today {8.10.08}
1. Woke up to a sunny but lazy day. I'm still so sleepy.
2. The van's being checked. Hope it'll get fixed soon.
3. Still unsure if we'll proceed with the cemetery visit today. It all depends on the van.
4. Lots of tasks to finish.
5. The little one's addicted and loves playing so much the Teach and Touch Blanket that was gifted to him.
6. I'm hungry. I wonder what's for lunch.
Participants :
GailAdi / Momeen / Emmyrose / Dennis / Dette / Jirl / Janny / Nanay Belen / Carol / Something Purple’s cucina / Vanity Kit / Mind Bubbles / Stripe&Yellow / Something Purple / Em’s Detour / Spin180 / Wisdom City / MY Happy Place / IamDzoi / ClikTrik / I Love the Thirties / Ozzy’s Mom / Me,Myself+2 / Kidd Designs / Fun|Fierce|Fabulous / Blogger Happy / Berry Scrappy / Everyday CHI / My Colorful World / Explore Manila / Random Thoughts / When SAHM-one Speaks / Deranged Insanity / Mighty in Spirit / Straight from the Heart / Simple Delights / Motherhood in a Nutshell / Love Is / Wonderful Things in Life / My Life’s Adventur” / Photographic Memories / The Joy Of Life Forever / The Fountain Of Happiness / A Message From My Heart / The Adventurous and Sporty Side of Miah / MeiYah’s Blog / MeiYah’s PhotoBlog / MeiYah’s World / MeiYah’s Sweet Nothings / Sheng’s Simple Thoughts / My Wonderful Life / Me and Mine / Little Peanut / Pea in a Pod / Creative in Me / Notable Bistro / Sugarmagnolias /Around the World / Love. Happiness. Us. / The Scrapaholic Me / Swept Away / Your blog here
I'm A Kick Ass Blogger!

Do you know any bloggers that kick ass?
Maybe they’ve got incredible, original content. Or they’re overflowing with creativity. Is it someone that helps you become a better blogger? Or a bloggy friend you know you can count on? Or maybe it’s someone who simply inspires you to be a better person… or someone else who sends you to the floor, laughing your ass off.
Whatever the reason may be, I’m sure you know at least a couple of bloggers that kick ass. Well… why not tell ‘em so?
- Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”
- Let ‘em know via email, twitter or blog comments that they’ve received an award
- Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to
- Pass it on! To get the code for the image you can go back to - don’t forget to link up the person who nominated you for the Kick Ass Blogger Club.
And now my turn to nominate the following bloggers to the “Kick Ass Bloggers”:
Alpha, Berna, Diane, Kathy and Litzie
**Girls, you might have probably this award posted already but please accept this token signifying that I really do love reading your blogs. :)
Sweet Award! Can I hook this on to a gold chain and proudly wear it ala-necklace?
Cobwebs Clearing.
I know I have seemingly neglected this blog since I started my Swept Away main blog and I feel such a bad blogger of my deed. My agenda for this week: dust away the cobwebs of my sidebar and update all the embellishments and links then publish at least 3 themed quality posts by the end of the week. More than three would be better. I'm not going to change the theme of this blog though. I just so love the layout that I'm keeping it until such time that I finally get bored with it.
Thanks to all those who are still loving my Love blog despite the lack of personal posts. Keep those EC cards dropping. I appreciate them all, really.
Indo Contest's First Contest.
Winner #1:
- $25 cash via paypal by IndoContest
- 1 month text-link ad at AdesBlog (Value of $90)
- A Free Technical Support Session by Email from (Value of $75)
- 1 hour consultation by Jason at The University Kid for 2 Winners (Valued at $50)
- 1 Live Blog Consultation via IM for 30 minutes by Nadeesha at RockFuse (Valued at $30)
- 1 hour consultation by Ideas to Make Money (Valued at $50)
- Blog Review at Random Detoxification
- 2 Years Subscription to GoStats Pro (Value of $180)
- Home Study Course DVD “International Market & Keyword Research” from The Blog (Valued at $100)
- 1 Featured Link at Piggy Directory (Valued at $10)
- 1 month 125×125 Ad Spot at Million Dollar Portfolio (Value of $100)
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Blog Paradise
- 1 month text-link ad at JunkieYard Dot Com (Valued at $15)
- 5,000 Entrecard Credits from IndoContest
- 3,000 Entrecard Credits from Unconventional Marketing
- 2,000 Entrecard Credits from Earn Blogger
Winner #2:
- 1 Year Full Membership at Daily Day Trades (Value of $576)
- A copy of the Blog Adrenaline from (Value of $47)
- 1 hour consultation by Jason at The University Kid for 2 Winners (Valued at $50)
- 1 Live Blog Consultation via IM for 30 minutes by Nadeesha at RockFuse (Valued at $30)
- Blog Review at WebieStuffs Dot com
- 1 Featured Link at Piggy Directory (Valued at $10)
- 2 months 125×125 Ad Spot at Etienne Teo (Valued at $50)
- 1 month text-link ad at Mr. Javo (Valued at $10)
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Before I am Famous
- 10 Days 125×125 Ad spot at CompuWorld
- 3,000 Entrecard Credits from Dog Blog
- 2,000 Entrecard Credits from Designer’s Depot
- 1,500 Entrecard Credits from
Winner #3:
- Blog Feature and Review at
- 1 Registered Version of AuctionSiteWriter (eBay) from ($27CAD value)
- 1 Featured Link at Piggy Directory (Valued at $10)
- 1 Free Domain (Winners Choice) Registered at Godaddy from WordPress Theme Designer
- 1 month text-link ad at Ragnarok Guide
- 1 month 162×62 Ad Spot at Michael Talk
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Random Detoxification
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Twins Happiness
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at There is Happiness
- 1 month 125×125 Ad Spot at Better Interpersonal Communication
- 1 month 100×100 Ad spot at WebieStuffs Dot com
- 1 month 100×100 Ad spot at
- 1,500 Entrecard Credits from MammaDawg
- 1,500 Entrecard Credits from Adieska Blog
- 1,500 Entrecard Credits from WordPress Theme Designer
- 1,500 Entrecard Credits from Mixed Market Arts
Winners #4:
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Blog for Beginners
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Blogging from Scratch
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at Make Money Online
- 1 month 125×125 Ad spot at The Story of My not so Good Life
- 1 month 125×125 Ad Spot at Julia
- 1,500 Entrecard Credits from Live the Best Life - ONLINE
- 1,337 Entrecard Credits from Blogging Addiction
- 1,200 Entrecard Credits from WebieStuffs Dot com
- 1,024 Entrecard Credits from Travel Guides
Winner #5:
- 1 month 125×125 Ad Spot at IndoContest
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from Michael Aulia’s Tech Blog
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from My Drift
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from Achmad Z’s Archives
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from Etienne Teo
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from That Blog 4 Me
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from Travel Blog
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from SimplyWP
- 1,000 Entrecard Credits from WP Beginners
Joining is easy. Check out his blog details for more info.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Rules For a Happy Marriage.
What's Your Love Style?
Your Love Style is Agape |
![]() You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. |
Stylish Eyeglasses.

I Love Shopping!
~Start copying here (no need to right click the image)~
Credits: Paper & Elements Created by Kim Jensen / Layout by JennyL
1. Don’t remove the credits when you post the image .
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too
4. You need to pass this tag to many friends you think loves shopping.
5. Come back at BARGAIN.SALES.DEALS.and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
6. Enjoy Shopping !!!
SHOPAHOLICS : 1.) A Slice of Life 2.) Jenny Said So 3.) Simply Jen 4.) This and That 5.) Bargain.Sales.Deals. 6.) Me and Mine 7. ) Little Peanut 8.) Creative in Me 9.) Pea in a Pod 10. Love. Happiness. Us. 11. The Scrapaholic Me 12. Swept Away 13. YOUR SITE
{end copying here}
If you're a shopaholic like me, go ahead and snag this.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Just Another Survey.
1. Would you consider yourself a flirt? No
2. Are you superstitious? Sometimes
3. Have you ever been confused over two relationships at once? No
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Just a few. I'm not a shoe fetish.
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
6. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? Yes
7. Do you want someone you can’t have? No
8. Does your ex still have feelings for you? I don't care
9. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with? Hmm a close kabarkada
10. Do people talk about you behind your back? maybe? I dunno and I don't care
11. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Owning a business, has travelled the world and still sexy lolz (No, I'm not taking Slimquick or any slimming pills)
12. What are you excited about right now? Malling later
13. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? Cry over the truth
14. Does it take a lot to make you cry? No. In fact, I'm such a crybaby
15. Are your parents strict? Yes when we were younger
16. Can music affect your mood? It depends