Thursday, April 24, 2008

Drug Guide on PDAs.

I labored for about 19 hours before I gave birth to Asher. Just imagine how long I stayed in the Labor Room..wondered and patiently waited for the big moment. Since mobile phones or any other things weren't allowed to be brought inside, I was left with nothing to do but stare on the big clock and eavesdrop while the resident OB doctors chatted. I heard that they were talking about a free drug reference for blackberry wherein through PDAs (personal digital assistant) such as blackberry or smartphones, doctors can easily prescribe drugs through the guide that is loaded on it. This guide will help them determine the possible interaction of several drugs that will be given. I searched online and I think it's Epocrates they were talking about.

This drug reference guide is compatible with several devices and this comes with free medical Pocket PC software, medical Palm software or medical Windows Mobile software. There are current negotiations with Apple to develop a guide for IPhone devices as well.

This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.

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