Friday, September 12, 2008

Sports Buff In The Making.

When Asher grows up, we'll definitely encourage him to be involved with sports. Aside from keeping one mentally or physically fit and healthy, sports instills in one's self discipline, interpersonal and social skills (for team sports). I want him to become a goal-oriented person, working and focused to strive a set dream. Further it brings leisure and recreation satisfaction.

There are several types of team sports, mostly involves contending possession for a ball or object. Most common examples and most played are Basketball, Baseball, Soccer and Volleyball. I'm pretty sure that Asher will grow up to be a sports-minded person someday because hubby and I, ourselves, are sports buffs. Hubby loves playing basketball and billiards while I, on the other hand, is into volleyball. It's up to Asher which sport will he choose but I'm making a strong bet, it'd be basketball. Why, you may ask..well just look at the pictures below.

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