Wednesday, April 08, 2009

QOTW # 52.

1.What are you grateful for today?
:: I was able to put the little one to sleep in a breeze.

2. Do you form your own opinions of others before you ever get the chance to meet them in person?
:: No, usually I form my impressions upon meeting them in person.

3. What would be your personalized, or vanity, license plate?
:: It would be MAI312. Nothing special..just my nick and my birthday.

4. What’s the best thing about the village/town/city you live in?
:: It's the Central Business District.

5. Have you ever been a victim of prejudice?
:: Thank God, no.

6. What is your ideal vacation?
:: Right now, taking a deep plunge in a pool or the beach.

7. Does someone else’s routine force you to create your own?
:: No. I have my own.

8. Are you planning any pranks for April Fool’s Day?
:: No I didn't do any prank last April Fool's Day.

9. What has been your biggest coincidence?
:: Hmmm..let me think about that first. Nothing seems to pop in my mind.

10. What do you have to say for yourself?
:: Don't forget to scour quotations for tv stands and start packing things early.

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