Sunday, November 23, 2008

Quotable Quotes from Barack and Michelle.

The new US president elect isn't only admirable on his wisdom about governing the country but his love for his family and wife is equally laudable.

Barack Obama: "And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years ... the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady ... Michelle Obama."
Source: "President-elect Barack Obama's remarks in Chicago." 11/04/08.

Barack: "If I ever thought this was ruining my family, I wouldn't do it."
Source: Sandra Sobieraj Westfall, "The Obamas Get Personal", People, August 4, 2008, page 57.

Michelle: "Time and love and sacrifice and struggles make you stronger."
Source: Sandra Sobieraj Westfall, "The Obamas Get Personal", People, August 4, 2008, page 57.

NYT quoting Michelle about their marriage, April 2007: "... she wants to keep her marriage 'sort of stress-free, free of the discussion, free of the analysis, free of the assessment.'"

Michelle on why the family did not move to Washington, D.C.: "We made a good decision to stay in Chicago, to remain based in Chicago, so that has kept our family stable. There has been very little transition for me and the girls. Now he's commuting a lot, but he's the grown-up. He's the senator. He can handle it. That's really helped in keeping us grounded."
Source: Chicago Tribune, 12/24/2005.

Michelle on being a political wife: "It's hard and that's why Barack is such a grateful man."
Source: The New Yorker

Barack about being present to his family: "It is important that when I'm home to make sure that I'm present and I still forget stuff. As Michelle likes to say, 'You are a good man, but you are still a man.' I leave my socks around. I'll hang my pants on the door. I leave newspapers laying around. But she lets me know when I'm not acting right. After 14 years, she's trained me reasonably well."
Source: Lynn Norment, Ebony, "The Hottest Couple in America", February 2007, pages 52-54.

Swiped from here.

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