Saturday, July 18, 2009

DIY Wedding Cake Toppers and Favors.

When we got wed four years ago, I'm proud to say that we were more than hands on with our preparations. Aside from the grueling task of booking and coordinating with all the suppliers, we've added extra touch of love to our wedding by DIY-ing (Do-It-Yourself) most of the wedding stuffs that we could. We drafted and finalized our invites, the souvenirs, photo mosaic, missalette, guest sheets and a lot more. The best thing about this was we were able to save a large chunk off the expenses and we've just allotted them on our initial joint savings.

Anyway, for those of you who are in their midst of their wedding preparations and would love to add a touch of your own labor to your wedding stuffs, check these tutorial on how to create cake toppers and favors. Take note that you can also use this as special tokens and giveaways to any other small parties.

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