Friday, March 02, 2007


This week probably was the busiest ever I've been in the office. I was even stunned to realize from our weekly metrics that I did about 19 Purchase Orders...whew! my highest record ever since I started here and the week even ended me with seven pending requests. Arrgh! I'm so overwhelmed...i felt like drowning.

Arrgh! I’m deeply exasperated this week; there were instances that I almost got fed up of nagging & “pasaway” na officemates left and right. To aggravate it further, I got totally pissed off that I almost strangled someone because of her annoying behavior. I just can't understand why some people are so self-centered, so haughty, acting like they're so perfect and always have a ready finger to blame and point on to others for their mistakes, so greedy that she always MUST get the best part, bigger portion of everything, etc....grrr! so snotty…brat!

Arrghh..probably it’s the moody me striking again or plainly and simply, PMS-ing.

Whatever it is…I need a break!

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