Saturday, June 30, 2007
In The Womb.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Fridays Feast: 150

How many pieces of jewelry do you wear most days?
Hmm I wear 6: necklace, bracelet, watch, pair of earrings, my wedding ring and engagement ring.
What is your favorite instrumental song?
I have several favorites: Canon in D by Pachelbel (I just love weddings), and Kenny G instrumentals: Theme from Dying Young and Forever In Love.
Who has a last name that you like?
The billionaire Dona Bea Zobel de Ayala (big time!)
Name a popular movie you’ve never seen.
Oh there’s a lot..i have not been a movie junkie for the last months. The recent ones I failed to watch were The Pirates, Spider Man 3 and Shrek 3.
Fill in the blank: Nothing makes me ___________ like ____________.
Nothing makes me feel better like my husband does when I’m so moody ang getting cranky.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Lose Weight.
I told my colleague all about this calorie counter I found on the web and she liked the idea. Just by signing up, she’ll get to have the easiest and fastest diet tracker, flexible and works with any existing diet practices, ever reliable supporters and motivators through its message boards, and best of all, it’s 100% free. They also have a free newsletter giving dieting tips, recipes and fitness advices. My friend is so excited to try this out. Hopefully, in a few weeks time she’ll lose weight as she has always wanted and wishing for.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Everybody in the office including our Senior Managers (to my surprise) was always talking about the PBB rage that happened this week inside the house. Almost all of them were annoyed with how Wendy behaved…all were irked with her upfront, contradicting blabs wishing she’ll be the next to be ejected. While she’s showing her true colors in the show, she should still be careful of the words that she utters. Sayang, she wasn’t the one who got evicted last night. Anyway, there are still 2 who’ll be evicted this week before the Big Night. I hope that would be her and Bruce. Anyway naman she got a lot na even before she entered the house: she was crowned 1995 Bb. Pilipinas Tourism (where Lara Quigaman won the Bb. Pilipinas Universe crown), became one of the Dream Girls of Pinoy Dream Academy when she didn’t make it to the finals, and even starred the Lovapalooza Close Up Commercial.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Today, I...
• Had a very sumptuous sinigang for lunch cooked by my hubby’s grandma
• Surfed and blogged while I watched noontime shows
• Had a siesta (power nap)
• Ate a bowl-filled of siomai, coke and rice for merienda with hubby (whhattt? Rice for merienda?!?!?!? Now you know where our bulging tummies come from)
• Managed to accomplish 5 paid posts and still looking for some more opps
• Was mesmerized with the story of a domestic helper in New York featured at Nagmamahal, Kapamilya.
• Was supposed to do some paperworks that I took home from the office but procrastinated again. I still have Sunday to do it anyway.
• Am enjoying the not-so-hot weather..and oh, it’s raining tonight.
I just love Saturdays because of these things!
Just like any get paid to blog services, Smorty’s aim is to connect advertisers and bloggers. Simply put, advertisers pay bloggers to generate buzz, do a review and get traffic for their sites by linking them up on their blogs. There are requirements though prior one can join Smorty:
• Your blog must be indexed by Google and Yahoo
• Your blog must be older than 3 months
• Your blog must not contain any violent, hate related or adult content
• Your blog must be active and have a history of minimum average 2 new posts per week
Among the things that are notable with Smorty are the following:
1.) Payments are fast – they are done on a weekly basis through paypal.
2.) Its interface is easy and one can setup an account fast.
3.) It has a unique blogger ranking system where bloggers earn scores depending on their Google PageRank, Alexa Rankings, return rate of given tasks, approval/decline ratio of completed tasks and number of completed tasks. Earnings will be commensurately calculated depending on your Smorty smart score.
So if you’re like me who would like to monetize their blogs, why not sign up with Smorty and blog for money. It’s quite easy really especially if you love blogging doing reviews.
Will She Say "YES"...

Nowadays, colored gemstones are added along with the diamond to spice up an engagement ring even more. Now if I only I can ask hubby to propose again, I’ll tell him to get me this ring with my gemstone. It’s a 0.48 carat Diamond and Aquamarine Ring in 14K Gold from

Dream Furniture Sets.
How I wish I get to shop from them. Since we’re eyeing at purchasing a condo unit, I don’t think that bulk and oversized furniture would be nice and won’t maximize the limited space. Probably 20 years from now, who knows, we might someday own a mansion and I find myself shopping for these lovely furniture sets then.
Google Your Name.
Instruction: Go to, write your name and the word "needs" in the google and click the Goggle Search button. Just for fun, see what comes out of your search.
• Mai needs to compete with in order to gain Hiroki's affections. (Who’s Hiroki?)
• Mai needs full debate in the light of day (debate over what?)
• Mai needs to determine the guy's limits (hmmm…??)
• Mai needs crack (of course not!)
• Mai wants to live freely (of course!)
• Mai wants to win the abacus--at the expense of her best friend. (haha! Abacus? In this computer age? the expense of my best friend? Funny!)
• Mai wants to go to Vietnam with her mother (Can be…)
• Mai wants to make her family proud (definitely!)
For variation, you may also use "wants" or "likes" or "loves."
Now I’m tagging all those who would like to try this.
Garage Talks.
I showed my hubby this site and he’s now thinking of buying a metal pegboard so he can organize his tools in the garage. He prefers the Stainless Steel Pegboards over my suggested colorful Powdercoated. He has the last say since he’ll be in charge of it anyway.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Fridays Feast: 149

Name a funny habit you have.
I set my alarm one hour before my intended waking up time and put it on a snooze mode every time it alarms for every 9 minutes. I am such a stubborn sleepyhead that I don't wake up and get up right away. There should always be an hour allowance for my senses to slowly wake up and get me moving.
If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?
I've always loved listening to flute instrumentals. In fact, I even dreamt of owning one and enrolling for flute lessons then.
How long is your hair?
Quite long...several inches below my shoulders.
Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
The last time was a couple of weeks ago when we had some issues and misunderstanding at home.
What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
The microwave oven.
Next Stop: Copenhagen.

Wholesale Sunglasses.

She’s also considering to purchase Replica Wholesale Sunglasses from CTSWholesale. The prices are quite a steal for as low as $ 10 per dozen and up. They have all types of sunglasses from the conventionally styled sunglasses to goggle styled that are used by motorcyclists and sportsmen. Further, my friend is eyeing at the 20% off deal she can avail on large orders or 10% off for mid-sized orders.
Grade C.
My Lakbayan grade is C!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out atLakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.Video Fantastica!
Go ahead and check out which video is voted number one for today. I heard it’s some dramatic chipmunk doing his Best Actor Star Awards thing.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I'm only 24% Vain.
You Are 24% Vain |
![]() Okay, so you're slightly vain from time to time, but you're not superficial at all. You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less. |
Random Beauty/Vanity/Fashion facts about me:
1. I do wear makeup but you can barely see it (very light). My makeup kit consists of unbranded powder/foundation, lipstick, eye shadow and cheek stain blush.
2. I occasionally shop for clothes. I just wait for pasalubongs brought by my stepmom from ukay-ukays in Saudi (usually Mango shirts that are on sale). When I go out, I’m most comfortable when I’m in a pair of jeans and a comfy top (shirt/blouse). I’m not fond of spaghetti straps, tubes, micro mini skirts, etc)
3. I just wash up my face with a local Facial Wash and a papaya soap (lolz). Other than that, nada! I’m so tamad na kasi to do those things and other beauty rituals at night haha!
4. I had my hair rebonded last year and just maintaining it with shampoo and conditioner. I know I should have treatment once in a while but my busy sched just doesn’t allow me to.
5. I wear perfume but I’m contented and I just depend on Dad’s perfume pasalubongs from Saudi. The one’s I’m using now is Ralph Lauren for Women.
6. I don’t grow my nails long and I don’t wear nail polishes.
7. I’m not a shoe fetish. I usually just have 2 pairs of footwears for gimiks..usually slip ons.
8. I have a hand lotion sanitizer that I frequently use.
Well, that’s it. That’s how simple I am and prefer to be that way. That is where I’m most comfortable and I believe naman, that’s the most important thing, di ba?
Shopping Cart Software
Online businesses nowadays should carefully choose the shopping cart software they’ll use to sell online. One of the most trusted providers of a turn-key ecommerce software is Ashop Commerce. Their award-winning features include: ease of set up as it is web-based and no installation is required; offers fully customizable design without restrictions; reliable and fast technical support and customer service. Their pricing structure is also impressive with the extensive and affordable packages that they offer. Your shopping cart will be optimized on search engines giving you a better platform to reach your market and thereby, increase sales. Total security solution is also exceptional. Your online business is securely hosted on their ultra fast web servers with a guaranteed 99.8% uptime, involves 128 bit SSL checkout security, design services, full fraud alerts and web promotion services. As they say over at Ashop Commerce, there’s less to worry about their total solution services.
I was looking for sites where I can download or stream more music and luckily, I found a site that has just launched an unsigned chart with free music downloads. is a British new music website that offers free mp3s for download, videos and reviews. Major and unsigned band artists can upload promotional tracks in here for streaming or free download as well as they can announce their gig schedules. Recently, they just launched a chart for unsigned bands.
Super Text Twist.
THE EARTHQUAKES: That queer shake
DEBIT CARD: Bad credit
DORMITORY: Dirty room
THE MORSE CODE: Here come dots
ADMIRER: Married
SNOOZE ALARMS: Alas, No More Z’s
A DECIMAL POINT: I’m a dot in place
ELECTION RESULTS: Lies – let’s recount
ASTRONOMERS: No more stars / Moon Starers
THE EYES They see
SLOT MACHINES: Cash Lost in’em
STATUE OF LIBERTY: Built to Stay Free
ELEVEN PLUS TWO: Twelve Plus One
…and here’s a longer one:
Nail-biting refreshes the feet!
Kulit noh?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Comfy Beddings.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Random Blabs Again.
Yikes, I can’t think straight as I’m trying to finish this quick post. There are lots of stories up in my mind right now but I can’t organize my thoughts so perhaps, I’ll just randomly jot it down:
• It’s kinda late but I sneaked in to do some dollar opps, as well as blog hop to my fave blogger friends’ sites (and left them some love).
• Again, I can’t help but be thrilled with my improving Alexa Ranking. From last week’s 2,008,243 to current ranking of 1,636,219….konti na lang, below 1M mark na ako woohoo! Keep those visits and “linkings” coming please.
• I noticed that several of my blogger friends are into paid blogging na rin. Good luck peeps…wishing for more opps coming our way.
• I just watched PBB and I hated Wendy’s non-stop blabbering and contradicting, immature reasoning. I hope she’s one of those who’ll get evicted soon. It’s just so bad of her to wish for her father’s death. Ano bah! My parents separated when I was still a kid but I’ve never wished anything ill towards them. I still remain grateful to them no matter how hard the circumstances were living in a broken family.
Okay so much for that. I need to sleep already and have to replenish the energy I’d be needing for another exhausting Wednesday tomorrow. Nyt!
Celebrity Gossips.
Check out the latest, the hottest and most talked about showbiz issues at Become a member and be the first to know juicy gossips, scandals, rumors, speculations and opinions about your fave stars. You also get to meet and interact with fellow fans, vote for the juciest gossip, bookmark news and receive bonus points which you can exchange for rewards by just inviting your friends to join.
National Hero.

Today’s supposedly the 146th birthday of my native land’s National Hero. Dr. Jose Rizal, polymath, nationalist and the most prominent advocate for reforms in the Philippines during the Spanish Era. He appears on the obverse side of our 1-peso coin as a heritage but the greatest legacy he’s given the country is the independence that it has since but seems taken for granted by many.
Digital Picture Frames.

According to Digital Framez wherein, you’d also be able to find extensive information and wide array of digital frames for sale at different sizes, you can get away with the traditional albums that you’d use to have for safekeeping and display of your precious filmed pictures. With digital picture frames, it’s like having a TV-album-computer displaying your digital photos in areas of your home such as: on the wall of your living room, at the entrance or on the side tables of your bedroom. You can set the period of time on how long the pictures are displayed or how you the transition between pictures will be like. Actually, you can even make use a short video clip, integrated with sounds…all independent of PC use! Absolutely cool, right? The best thing about this is that, operation of it is not as complicated as you think. All you have to do is take your photo or movie, switch your memory card to the digital picture frame and view!
Check out and avail of their free 128 MB Memory Card Promo with every 9 and 10 inch Frame Orders.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Friday's Feast: 148

I know this is 2 days late. This is supposedly served last Friday but as they say, it’s better late than never. Without further ado, here’s my 148th Fridays Feast:
Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________…
Since we literally have 2 abodes, I’ll just quote it as:
* The best thing about where I live on weekdays is the 10-minute traveling time (on tricycle) to our workplaces.
*The best thing about where I live on weekends is the scrumptious meals cooked by my hubby’s Lola.
Create a new name for a deodorant (like “Flower Fresh” or “Shower Scent”).
Flower Mist (?)
What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?
EOS Utility Software (Canon Powershot S3 IS)
Main Course
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say?
Most likely to consume the most number of polvoron. We bought one bag of Polvoron from Goldilocks and I can’t simply stop my buds.
What two colors do you like to wear together?
Black and White
HK Plans.
Since budget is a big consideration, affordable airfares and Cheap Hotels are among the things that we are carefully looking at. As early as now, I am hunting online for travel agencies and hotel experts that could offer the greatest bargain especially that December is a peak month for travels and vacations.
One of the sites I’ve checked out is Here are some of the points that are notable about this site:
1.) They have an extensive selection of hotels in any of the top city destinations worldwide. Their search function (shown with a map and filtered drop down menus) will let you browse with so much ease.
2.) They have discount offerings up to 70% off and they offer the lowest internet rate price guarantee compared to their competitors.
3.) Easy placement of reservations through their reliable and efficient online booking engine.
4.) A promo wherein you can get up to $100 rebate depending on the booking package that you availed.
5.) A $30 Gas Rebate for every 2-night (or more) bookings.
6.) Aside from hotel reservations, other services offered are reservations for Flights, Cars, Vacation Rentals, Group Bookings and Vacation Packages.
7.) Web site can be viewed in your language and currency.
8.) 24x7 Toll free customer support and phone reservations in US, Canada and some parts of Europe.
I tried checking out hotel availabilities on our desired dates and saw that prices are indeed reasonable. If in case, our plans will be finalized soon, would definitely be on top of our options.
Happy Dad's Day!
Happy Father's Day!
So here it is…my layout tribute to my beloved Dad.

Pa, even though you’re so far away, I want you to know that you are remembered and deeply appreciated for all the things you’ve done for us. Love u so much!
Also, to my dad-in-law, happy father's day!
Thankful Paper by and Jeanine Baechtold
And I Quote..Father by Manda Bean
Grudgy Frames by Nancy Comelab
Cardboard Tear by LindaGB
Tag by Tracy Robinson
Tag by Traci Sims
Painstroke by LindaGB
Cardboard by Teresa Ferguson
Hearts by Jan Crowley
Note Paper & Staple by Ksharonk
Flower & Stitch by Christy Lyle
Button by kim Liddiard
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Yourself: planning to get a haircut or perhaps, try a totally new hairdo. Got multiple mosquito bites this noon arggggh!
The Last Thing You Did: Just posted a new layout at The Digiscrapaholic Me.
You Are Wearing: shirt and shorts
Your Favorite Weather: just moderate…sunny but not humid
Your Favorite Book: The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
Last Thing You Ate: Siomai, Kaldereta and Rice for dinner
Your Life: bliss
Your Mood: deprived of PPP opps (lolz)
Your Best Friend: funny
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Plans for tomorrow - attend mass and set foot for the first time at Trinoma.
Your Car: Hubby’s Green Machine (Nissan Sentra EX Saloon 96)
What Are You Doing At The Moment: blogging while watching ABS-CBN’s XXX.
Relationship Status: HAPPILY married
Decoding Spy Sweeper.
Nope…it’s not the Da Vinci Code that we’re trying to crack or break here. Any idea what this means or what’s the secret message in this code? Okay, with the help of a secret code breaker, the message is:
As many of you knows, a Spyware is a software that is surreptitiously installed to control a user's computer. Unlike virus or worms, Spywares do not usually self-replicate but they are still dreaded as they, by design, exploit software vulnerabilities of infected computers for commercial gain. Probably a lot of you have several encounters with unsolicited pop-up advertisements, routing of links to advertising sites, and even theft of financial information such as credit card details. Spywares are no doubt risky, unsafe and even costly if your computer completely breaks down.
By the way, they offer free scan of your computer in their site. If you want to avail its full services and features, purchase now so you can avail $10 off deal from the regular price.
Company's Grief.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Accessorize Your Cell Phone.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thursday's Random Thoughts.
1.) I’m nearing the 1M Alexa Ranking Mark! I know it is still a long way up or should I say “down” there but I’m thrilled every time I open up my page then my improving Alexa Ranking shows up. As I’ve already mentioned, it started to get better when I joined and hopped in the Alexa Train, downloaded the Alexa Toolbar and joined the You Comment I Follow Movement. In less than 3 weeks, my 7,900,000+ rank dropped to 2,008,243 (currently). How cool is that, eh? Of course, I also should thank my avid viewers (meron nga ba? Haha!) By the way, for those of you who are clueless about this Alexa thing, just read it here. Simply put, I’m anxious to lower my rank because the lower it is means the more opps I can do. The more opps I do means more moolah for me.
3.) It’s pay day tomorrow woohoo! Just great. We need some more resources to pay the annual car insurance as well as Paul’s yearly life insurance dues this month. My credit card will also be due tomorrow, my cellphone bills on the 20th, another credit card on the 24th, groceries for next week…waaah! (So please..let me grab that $700 opp)
4.) I forgot to blog how I’m enjoying the comfort of a new workstation. A real workstation that is, because during my contractual months with the company, I was stationed in a little corner that’s just enforced to look and function as a work terminal. Anyway, I’m relieved to graduate from that..and now it’s our new Project Emp who’s cramped in the corner. Will be posting pics one of these days.
5.) Work is pretty exhausting these days and is expected to worsen in the weeks to come. We’re migrating to a new Financial System to align with the Corporate Offices in US and India by 2nd week of July. Being with the Purchasing Group, we’re the ones directly affected with this implementation. We’re still undergoing series of rigorous trainings and orientations on top of our regular workloads and we’re all stressed out. Waaahhh..good luck na lang talaga sa amin.
6.) Hubby was also designated with a new and according to him, a bit more complicated task at work. At least, I can relaxingly afford to render extra hours of OT since he’s also busy and I’m not that “pressured” to clock out instantaneously. Lolz.
7.) A lot left me love on my previous post about the novice shots courtesy of our new toy. (Thank you for the praises!) I love the shots too..and I’m thrilled to learn more of its features.
8.) The $700 opp hasn’t showed up still. Hubby’s eyes are already drooping and he’s started bugging me to shut this notebook down. Lolz.
Digital Scales.
One of their new products this June is the Phoenix TBF 440 Talking Body Fat Bathroom Scale. This scale measures body fat, weight and it talks too so you don’t have to lean over and squint just to see the results. Cool, isn’t it?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Novice Shots.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Drug Rehab.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sports Eyewears.
Mathematically Speaking.

If in case our kids won’t be blessed with such genes, we’ll perhaps consider the services of Math Tutors from Score. I heard they are effective in making significant academic progress of children ages 4 to 14 in an innovative tutoring environment.

For the best Amsterdam Hotel discounts, book your next travel via They offer discounts up to 75% on rooms of the best hotels in Amsterdam. The booking process is fast, straightforward and accurate with their excellent customer service combined with one of the best and efficient online booking engines available. They also offer cheap accommodation rates for Barcelona Hotels, Rome Hotels and soon available, London Hotels and Prague Hotels.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Jump. Slide. Splash.
Cheap Universal Studios Tickets.
Aside from Disney, you might also want to experience Orlando by visiting the Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Cheap Universal Studios Tickets may also be purchased from along with the lowest-priced tickets for Orlando dinner shows such as Arabian Nights and Pirates Dinner Adventure, major theme parks such as Sea World and Kennedy Space Center. You can always experience Orlando with the endless options of cheap admission tickets from
We're Back.
More of these stories (and photos) later.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Forty Seven.

What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?
There ARE a LOT on TOP of my list…footlong, kwek-kwek, siomai, and KFC’s Zinger.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?
I give it a 1? My husband’s foreparents probably practiced family planning then. Lolz.
Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?
Hmmm..I’m not really fond of TV sitcoms.
Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.
Yes! I shop my digiscrap magazines from; I shop digiscrap goodies from SSD, ScrapArtist, and Scrapbook-bytes.
Fill in the blank: I think ___________ should be ___________.
I think I should be sleeping early tonight since we have to get up early for our weekend outing with friends tomorrow.
Night Vision Devices.
For those of you who are into NVDs, check out the variety of night visionequipment by ATN, Yukon, Bushnell, Trijicon, Weaver, Aimshot, Insight Technology, ITT & many more that they offer – all at very low prices and even comes with free UPS & APO shipping for all orders above $29.95!
OpticsPlanet also offers a full line of military & tactical gear, holsters, flashlights, rifle scopes, rangefinders, binoculars, hearing protection, red dot scopes, tactical gloves, safety goggles & much more.
Weekend Plans.
Well, I’ll be MIA for a while this weekend because hubby and I will be having our last “Swimming Hirit” with our HS barkada. We’re off for an overnight gimik at a new resort in Bulacan. Of course, I’ll be back with the adventure stories and pics from my new S3 IS toy.
Coloring Pages.
With the advent of technology and of the internet, do you know that you can actually have a sort of an Online Coloring Book? Well, it’s a lot different with the things you can do with the Paintbrush Software that comes with Windows. Coloring Pages at allows you to color any existing pictures in their Coloring Section by “filling” the picture’s area with your selected color from the palette. They specialize in content for teen girls, but this section will work for any kid. There are lots of pictures to choose from their categories: Anime, Cartoon & Toys, Holidays, Fantasy, Nature, Animals, Fashion & Beauty, People, Sports, Education, Transportation and a lot more. You can also draw your own coloring picture with a black marker on a sheet of white paper, scan it and upload it on their site. They will make your page interactive and will even let you share it with your friends. Just make sure to register (it’s free, by the way) so you’ll be able to save the picture when you’re done.
Check their site further and have your kids give it a try. I bet they’ll surely enjoy coloring these pages.
Shop For A Cause.
Project Title : Ang Pinaka Matinding Sale sa Balat ng Lupa
“An Appliance Bodega Sale for a Cause”
Event Date : June 29 to July 1, 2007
9am to 6pm
Venue : RMI Warehouse Compound
Km. 17 West Service Road
Bormaheco Compound, Paranaque City
South Super Highway , between Sucat & Bicutan
(Near Marcelo Green Village & the Kissa Billboard of Kris Aquino)
DVD Players, Home Theatre Systems, Color TV’s,
Refs, Washing Machines, Rice Cookers, Flat Irons
Aircons, Microwave Ovens etc
Sample Pricing/Package : Buy 1 Take 1 Compo
DVD Players 1299 & up
Air Conditioners 1.5hp 2500 off
10 Cu ft. Ref, 2 Door 9000 off
Contact Numbers : (02) 862.2522
(0922) 8980117
The Healing Missionaries of the Holy Spirit’s main purpose is the Healing of the Family Tree through self realization and awareness. It is driven to help VICTIMS of Broken Families, Broken Relationships, Physical Abuse and Emotional Traumas through a Psycho Spiritual Approach, leading to meaningful relationship with Family, Community and God.
For questions, you may get in touch with GIL TAINO at 09178916280/ 09228981700 or MILLIE ANDOLA at 09175225464.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Father's Day Gift.
“…Father's Day was the brainchild of Sonora Smart Dodd, whose mother had died giving birth to her. At a time when many widowed men sent their offspring to live with relatives, Sonora's father reared her and her five siblings alone, on a farm in eastern Washington. In 1909, grown and married, Sonora was in church listening to a Mother's Day sermon when the thought struck her that fathers deserved credit, too - especially hers. Through her efforts, Spokane, Washington, held the first Father's Day observance the following year.”
I’m sure we all totally can relate with Sonora on realizing how grateful should we be to our fathers. Aside from contributing the chromosomes that completed our breath of life, our Dads portray a number of roles in our lives from the time we are born until we grow up. He’s a Problem-Solver, a Playmate, our Principled Guide, our Provider or Breadwinner, our Protector. He’s a teacher, a supervisor, a model. For all these things that they do for their children, it’s just right that we somehow give back or pay tribute to them through commemorating them not only during this holiday but every single of our lives.
Do you already have plans on how to pay tribute to your Dad on this special day? There are really a lot of ways to show our appreciation to our Dads. You can give him the ultimate gift; which is your time. Spend the whole day with him: plan a picnic, a swimming getaway, a movie marathon, etc. Or you may pamper him with whatever culinary ceremonies he enjoys most; give him something you know he'd love but isn't likely to buy for himself such as a polo shirt, Neckties, a collection of his favorite CD, etc.
Should you be interested in giving ties to your Dad, check out below Belisi’s press release then jump into their site and see the extensive styles and designs of neckties that they offer. From Striped Ties, to Signature Ties to Theme, Paisley, Solid, Dotted, Ties for Work and even After Hour Ties. They also have these pocket squares which are the “accessories for trendy sophistication”. Now who says Dads can’t be fashionable. Of course, they absolutely can with By the way, purchase your Father’s Day gift at Belisi and your order will be shipped for free.
National Ice Cream Day.

I just finished my lunch and in celebration with such, I am currently pigging out with a pint of Coffee Crumble while about to clock in again for work.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Summer Symphony in West Mids Park.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Eye Test.
For computer/blogger addicts only. Enjoy!
Can u find the B(there are 2B’s)?
Once youve found the b
Find the 1
Once you found the 1…………..
Find the 6
once youve found the 6…
Find the N (it’s hard!!)
once you’ve found the N…
Find the Q…
Meade My Sky.
There's a new astronomy gadget now that enables you to explore the universe as if you're guided by a private astronomer called meade my sky personal video planetarium. It is the newest and coolest gadget from Meade and It is a fun, interactive, hand-held, point-shoot-and-identify multimedia guide that features a full-color LCD screen and the added ability to control a Meade computerized telescope. This is simple to operate and makes a great gift to anyone who loves to explore the universe right from the comfort of their home.This is available at where the lowest prices are guaranteed and offers free UPS shipping on all order above $29.95
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Yes, you saw it right. I treated myself and finally purchased my own semi-dslr camera (thanks to PPP) that I have been wishing and planning to buy since December. It’s a Canon Powershot S3 IS digital camera. I bought it during the Anson’s Installment Craze in Glorietta that ran for the whole month of May. Lucky me, I also got a camera bag as well as a 512 MB Memory Card as freebies. I am still tinkering and getting myself familiarized with the overwhelming but nevertheless, exciting features. So far, I can now successfully execute a shot with the Super Macro Mode feature.
I can’t wait to learn all other features. Hubby’s also excited with this new toy but he’s so tamad to read the manual and learn the features by himself. According to him, he’ll just wait for me to master them then he’ll rely on me. Haha!
On another note, here are the other pampering treats I had this week (aside from the camera). Finally, the digiscrap mags I pre-ordered at finally arrived. So many inspiring layouts! I just hope I find time soon to digiscrap again.
Lastly, here’s Puss in Boots:
Hayfield Dental Care.
Speaking of good dentists in town, I bet residents of Alexandrian are equally lucky to have the service of Hayfield Dental Care which has been operating since 1987. Their services include general, family and cosmetic dentistry. They also have a full time orthodontics specialist whose consultation services are provided for free. Since opening, they have served over 23,000 patients, all overly-satisfied with the services they provide since all of their dentists received advanced or special trainings prior performing any procedures in the clinic. Further, they use the latest and most advanced dental equipment in providing the superior care that they patients deserve. Try out their services and experience yourself why Hayfield is a great place for all of your dental needs. They may be reached at 703-971-2220.
The Sentimental Me.
I don’t know for how long will I be like this..perhaps, until I grow old because Pisceans are innately romantic and sentimental persons.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I Hate It.
I was supposed to do some $ opps and buzz the good things (and the not so good) that happened to me this week. Yes, included my short trip to Makati Med’s ER last Thursday where I got an anti-tethanus shot but there are a lot of disturbing issues boggling my mind right now that I can’t even think straight. I tried tweaking my blog layout to divert my attention but my mojos are somewhere and the creative side of my mind is absolutely blank.
I am so wretchedly uncomfortable.
Arggh! And I hate this feeling. I hate it even more that I’m keeping all these by myself. I hate it when I’m sulking like this.
I hate it when there’s nothing I can do but just puff my eyes out from crying.
Under Renovation.
Edited: I have to settle with this template for the mean time while I look for a better skin.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Hunting Begins.
On another note, I got to chat with a friend who’s on vacation in Charlotte. She told me stories how nice North Carolina is and how she’s enjoying her vacation at her brother’s newly bought nc waterfront property. She sent me some pictures and truly, the girl’s overly delighted.
I'm Getting There!
PS: Thanks for all those who’ve joined the ride and I promise, my weekend will be spent returning the favor by hopping in your site.
Soy Candles.
Do you know that aside from being a source of protein, soybean is one of the most versatile products that are used to make cost effective, all natural scented candles? A soy candle is made of hydrogenated soybean oil called soy wax. Proven better to paraffin wax which is a petroleum product, soy candles release fewer toxins into the air when burned and thus, the environment benefits the most.

If you want to try out these Soy Candles, check out the new 22oz Roly Poly Soy Candle from Caterpillar Creations. It lasts three times longer than petroleum-based candles and exudes a relaxing and soothing fragrance. It comes in jar candles that enhance your decors with their flirtatious curves and customized colors and fragrance such as Cinnamon Rolls, Lemon Bar, Blueberry Muffins, Banana Bread, Grapefruit, Honeydew and a whole lot more to choose from. Check it out and should you need to buy yourself or give it to someone as a gift, take advantage of their 5% discount by using coupon code FREE5 in your order.