According to
"At eight inches and slightly over a pound, your baby is the size and shape of a small doll.
(But then, you already knew that you were carrying a living doll, didn't you?) This week marks the beginning of some serious weight gain. Your baby's weight in the next four weeks alone should double (and you may feel as though yours is too).
You have probably heard your baby's heartbeat through a Doppler a number of times already (though you never get tired of hearing it), but by now you can also hear it through a standard stethoscope. What a heart throb!
Your baby's skin is reddish in color now because of the developing blood vessels underneath (remember, the skin is very thin still). It also hangs loosely from his or her little body at this point. That's because the skin grows faster than the fat develops. But don't worry. By the time your baby is born, he or she will be pleasantly plump and filled out — from chubby cheeks to chubby toes."
So how we’ve been this week, my Little One? Well, I know you’ve grown bigger and heavier. I weighed just the other night and found out that I gained 2 more lbs since mommy’s routine check up two weeks ago. I can feel that my tummy has stretched to a few centimeters more since I couldn’t almost fit anymore in my baby tees; that’s why I have to set them aside for the mean time and wear instead loose, bigger shirts (one of them was gladly lent by Daddy).
Dad and I can feel that your moves and antics are getting stronger and last night was one of the hardest that I felt. You were quiet and still the whole time and so we assumed that you’re already sound asleep. Dad even praised you for slumbering so early and when he kissed you good night, you suddenly jerked so hard that I jolted. Then your frolics continued for several minutes. We were laughing kasi as early as now, you’re already playing tricks on us.
Mommy’s experiencing severe back pains and my legs get easily tired from walking probably because of the pressure and the weight that you’re putting on my tummy. But it’s okay…I’m not complaining my honey. It’s all part of it and if that’s what it takes to have you grow strong and healthy, I’d gladly go through it. Daddy’s kind and patient enough naman giving me soothing massage at night.
Mom’s kinda sad kasi we don’t have anymore our daily dose of mango shakes for lunch. Fruitas’ contract might have expired already that’s why they are replaced with a new one in the pantry. They also offer fruit shakes but my taste buds have bonded well with the mango shake of Fruitas.
The weekend’s almost over again and we’ll be back in the office for another grueling week. Hope it’s not as bad as last week. Mom was so loaded with lots of work and was so tired. I was trying to manage it well and was trying not to get stressed for you.
By the way, Dad and I agreed to have our check up on the 24th. We’re really anxious and overly excited to see you again in the monitor as we’ll be having our 3rd ultrasound. This time I think it’ll be more comprehensive since we’ll be having a CAS (Congenital Anomaly Scan) as well as the placental position checking. I’m really praying that it has gone up na and everything’s alright inside there. Further, we’d finally know whether you’re indeed a “Junior” as your dad is hoping you to be or a girl as what Tita Dada is wishing you to be on the other hand. It’ll definitely be a good surprise but whatever it is, as long as you’re healthy and normal, it’s perfectly fine really. We love you, our Little Bibay! (our slang for “baby”).
"At eight inches and slightly over a pound, your baby is the size and shape of a small doll.

You have probably heard your baby's heartbeat through a Doppler a number of times already (though you never get tired of hearing it), but by now you can also hear it through a standard stethoscope. What a heart throb!
Your baby's skin is reddish in color now because of the developing blood vessels underneath (remember, the skin is very thin still). It also hangs loosely from his or her little body at this point. That's because the skin grows faster than the fat develops. But don't worry. By the time your baby is born, he or she will be pleasantly plump and filled out — from chubby cheeks to chubby toes."
So how we’ve been this week, my Little One? Well, I know you’ve grown bigger and heavier. I weighed just the other night and found out that I gained 2 more lbs since mommy’s routine check up two weeks ago. I can feel that my tummy has stretched to a few centimeters more since I couldn’t almost fit anymore in my baby tees; that’s why I have to set them aside for the mean time and wear instead loose, bigger shirts (one of them was gladly lent by Daddy).
Dad and I can feel that your moves and antics are getting stronger and last night was one of the hardest that I felt. You were quiet and still the whole time and so we assumed that you’re already sound asleep. Dad even praised you for slumbering so early and when he kissed you good night, you suddenly jerked so hard that I jolted. Then your frolics continued for several minutes. We were laughing kasi as early as now, you’re already playing tricks on us.
Mommy’s experiencing severe back pains and my legs get easily tired from walking probably because of the pressure and the weight that you’re putting on my tummy. But it’s okay…I’m not complaining my honey. It’s all part of it and if that’s what it takes to have you grow strong and healthy, I’d gladly go through it. Daddy’s kind and patient enough naman giving me soothing massage at night.
Mom’s kinda sad kasi we don’t have anymore our daily dose of mango shakes for lunch. Fruitas’ contract might have expired already that’s why they are replaced with a new one in the pantry. They also offer fruit shakes but my taste buds have bonded well with the mango shake of Fruitas.
The weekend’s almost over again and we’ll be back in the office for another grueling week. Hope it’s not as bad as last week. Mom was so loaded with lots of work and was so tired. I was trying to manage it well and was trying not to get stressed for you.
By the way, Dad and I agreed to have our check up on the 24th. We’re really anxious and overly excited to see you again in the monitor as we’ll be having our 3rd ultrasound. This time I think it’ll be more comprehensive since we’ll be having a CAS (Congenital Anomaly Scan) as well as the placental position checking. I’m really praying that it has gone up na and everything’s alright inside there. Further, we’d finally know whether you’re indeed a “Junior” as your dad is hoping you to be or a girl as what Tita Dada is wishing you to be on the other hand. It’ll definitely be a good surprise but whatever it is, as long as you’re healthy and normal, it’s perfectly fine really. We love you, our Little Bibay! (our slang for “baby”).
This is pretty exciting Mai! Take care always! Sorry for not dropping by here often ha and thanks for visiting my blog! ;)
mai enjoy the pregnancy. you will miss it too sometimes pero shempre mas masaya if kita mo na ang anak mo.
Very fulfilling ang motherhood and i'm just happy na soon you will be one of us too.
ingat ka lagi and God bless your growing family!
Congratulations ! Best wishes of health for you and baby.
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